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“SUCH A VICTIM” Rachel Tomas Morgan, Councilwoman At-Large, refuses to ride elevator with and orders disabled person to “take the stairs.”


Mr. Foster playing wheelchair basketball with the University of Alabama Wheel Chair Team

Councilwoman At-Large Rachel Tomas Morgan and I have shared a neighborhood bond, living just two houses apart for nearly 20 years. Our shared history is deep; I spent countless childhood moments in her home, playing with her children as our families grew together. Given our long association, it is within reason to state that Councilwoman Rachel Tomas Morgan is well aware of my physical disabilities. Our neighborhood rallied around me upon my return from months at the Cleveland Clinic’s children’s hospital, where I underwent arduous inpatient rehabilitation following a surgical error that resulted in a stroke during a brain tumor operation. These medical ordeals left me permanently handicapped, limiting my use of my left hand and leg. This context was known to Councilwoman Rachel Tomas Morgan before she made subsequent statements, especially as her memory was recently refreshed during discussions on the privilege of the floor regarding Sheila Niezgodski's assault on my person.


On Monday, September 23rd, 2024, as the Redress South Bend team packed up our camera gear post the South Bend Common Council Meeting, Council members Ophelia Gooden-Rodgers (2nd District) and Rachel Tomas Morgan (At-Large) were also leaving. Naturally, in the elevator lobby, I asked these council members for public statements about Sheila Niezgodski’s May 13th assault and inquired why they had not yet spoken publicly. As the elevator doors slid open, Councilwoman Rachel Tomas Morgan quipped with a raised hand and a snide remark, "Do not follow us." I countered, pointing out the shared destination, “So I can’t go down an elevator where we are all trying to go? Are we not all going down to the same place?”

This exchange led the councilwomen to exit the elevator, with Councilwoman Rachel Tomas Morgan reiterating, “You can go down an elevator, I am saying do not follow me.” Taken aback, I asked, “Excuse you?” This prompted Rachel Tomas Morgan to assert, “Do not follow us.” I retorted, “Where are we following you? We are all going to the same place. We are all leaving the same meeting in the same building.” Her response was a demand, “COME DOWN THE STAIRS.”

Surprised and disadvantaged, I replied, “You’re asking a disabled person to go down the stairs with you?” Her retort, unfortunately, revealed a harsh side: “Such a victim.” Wanting clarity, I questioned, “Such a victim, is that what you said?” To which she confirmed, “That’s what I said.” Thus, Rachel Tomas Morgan made a deliberate provocation, urging a stroke victim to navigate carrying camera equipment down flights of stairs from the fourth floor.

Camera Equipment Redress South Bend Brought On Monday September 23rd

This incident raises critical questions about Rachel Tomas Morgan's suitability for public office. Her public treatment of Redress South Bend begs an inquiry into her private comportment toward others. Does such conduct reflect the decorum expected of an elected official? Redress South Bend has been notified of Councilwoman Rachel Tomas Morgan's conduct in private and I can not use words to describe it here. Redress has also confirmed that local businessmen have also sat in on meetings with the Councilwoman to offer and discuss solutions for city initiatives, to which, the Councilwoman dismissed these businessmen and instead, bragged about her career accolades and achievements, stating how she is an expert in the subject matter, not the businessmen willing to offer the city free assistance.



Lastly, Redress has received information from credible sources regarding the reason Rachel Tomas Morgan was let go from her position at the University of Notre Dame. If you or anyone you know is willing to speak out and/or provide documents, or sign your name to an upcoming story on this issue, please reach out.


Dear Councilwoman Morgan, your neighbors are watching, the City is watching, and those you took an oath to represent are watching. If you feel so compelled, I will give you the opportunity to apologize for your rude, insensitive, and hurtful statements, and I will host your apology on this article. Giving you the chance to redeem yourself for your repugnant actions.

Secondly, I am again asking you to take a stand against violence and make a statement against Vice President Sheila Niezgodski's assault on May 13th, 2024. I will also host your statement, in its entirety, just as I have hosted the statements for Council members Dr. Oliver Davis and Sherry Bolden-Simpson.


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