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One Party Control: Democrats Celebrate, Democracy Suffers

In America, the public deserves a system of checks and balances to maintain a healthy democracy. It’s the perfect recipe when the executive branch fights with the legislative branch. Many see our government as a two-party system, where both parties keep each other in check. However, in recent years, we’ve seen a trend of one-party control by the Democrats. Needless to say, this monolithic control is not healthy for our democracy, yet the Democrat Party is celebrating it. In this blog, we’ll explore why one-party control is detrimental to our democracy.

1. No Accountability

One-party control means that there's no one to hold the party accountable. The lack of accountability ensures that the leadership can get away with cutting corners. In other words, the single party in control can carry out its agenda unilaterally, without any concern for the other side, with no compromise necessary. It gives them free reign to do whatever they fancy without having to stand up to criticism or opposition.

2. Limited Options

One-party control eliminates the potential for fresh perspectives on current policies. Without the need for bi-partisan support, we limit our options for novel ways of doing things. When a law comes out of one-party control, it is often the result of an agreement between the most powerful factions within that party. There may be no consideration for the interests of the people or the other side. Lack of political diversity results in misguided policies that don’t cater to the true intention of democracy: serving the people.

3. Biased Jury

One-party control is the perfect recipe for a biased judiciary, with partisan affiliations influencing every decision made. There's an inherent risk that a partisan judiciary might follow the views of the particular party in control. This invariably leads to a system that isn't impartial, and one that feels heavily influenced by particular interests. It risks compromising the impartiality of judges and restraining the court from carrying out its duties honorably.

4. Policy Adrift

One-party control removes the vital reservoir of ideas and procedures from the competing party, resulting in legislative policies that aim to retain power rather than fulfilling the desires of the American people. It strays from the feedback loop between politics and policy that helps to align our democracy with our society's wants and needs. One-party legislative control might not be responsive to the public's pain points or the changing times. Instead, it’s focused on retaining power as there’s no need to persuade the other side or cater to the people’s needs.

5. Limited Civil Liberties

One-party control can work against the will of the people by imposing its blueprint, regardless of the potential or actual consequences. As a result, one-party control legislation can undermine our civil liberties, prioritizing the interest of the party over those of the American people. Without power held in different hands, it’s easier for legislation that tramples on our rights and freedoms to flow through, disguised as law.


When one party is in control, our democracy suffers. The resulting policies with no compromise, lack of accountability, limited options, biased juries, and limited civil liberties leave much room for concerns. It’s important for both political parties to have a say in governance for democracy to thrive. One-party legislative control sends us on a trajectory of skewed policies, with no concern for the interests of the American people. We should all support true democracy with a system of checks and balances.


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