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Mayor Mueller's Opportunity: Forging a Legacy of Effective Change

I come before you today to talk about an issue that touches the heart of our shared humanity: the plight of our neighbors who are homeless. I believe — and I think you do, too — that everyone has worth and everyone has a role to play in the tapestry of our city.

Let's be clear: being without a home does not strip one of the ability to contribute, nor does it relieve an individual of the desire to hold responsibilities or a need for a sense of self-worth. Let me be emphatic in saying that allowing the status quo to persist — a condition where some of our residents live without the expectations and accountability that come with being a part of our community — is not acceptable. It can only lead us down a path where our challenges grow rather than diminish. It is time for us to show love, tough love. No free passes for those who are capable and are looking for a free ride.

South Bend has always been a city with a big heart, especially when it comes to helping those who are struggling. But as we've learned, good intentions alone are not enough. There must be balance. We must manage our empathy with policies that actually lift people up to stand on their own.

Here’s what we won’t do — we won't offer a Band-Aid for a wound that requires much more attention and care. And here’s what we will do — we'll see to it that each person under our stewardship, provided they have the capacity to do so, plays an active role in bettering our city. Whether it be through service, volunteerism, or by taking part in programs designed to teach the fundamentals of being a contributing citizen.

We'll also approach this with the necessary compassion and realism. For those amongst our homeless who are unable to meet these responsibilities due to physical or documented mental illness, we will offer distinct support through other compassionate programs designed to aid them specifically. They will not be apart of the homeless program, but a more suitable program.

And so today, I am also calling for renewed commitment to enforce the city codes and ordinances against pan handling that will steer our generosity where it will be most effective — through organizations equipped to provide long-term, sustainable help. Eventually, hopefully, ending panhandling all together.

In this way, together, we will strengthen the fabric of our community for all who call South Bend home. No free passes, but rather, a free path to rise.

Our collective aspiration is that the esteemed Mayor and his dedicated team will grasp the essence of our vision and champion this cause. It's our hope they will undertake this mission not only for the betterment of every South Bend resident but as an opportunity for the Mayor to forge a legacy of compassion and effective action — a legacy that could light the path for other cities across this great nation. The journey to change begins with us, right here on the banks of the St. Joseph River, right here with Mayor Mueller. Change is beckoning at our doors, South Bend, and together, with resolve and unity, we will answer its call.

Thank you, and may we go forward with courage and conviction.


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