Letters: The Drake Report makes unfair accusations against Jackie Horvath.
Date: 02/28/25
Author: An Unnamed Voter In Saturday's Republican Election The Drake Report makes unfair accusations against Jackie Horvath.
Amy Drake is attacking based on Decisions made before Jackie became Chair.
Amy Drake is now fixating her attacks on payments made to Sam Barke, who has handled advertising for many candidates, even though Jackie has only been Chair since June of 2024. How is Jackie responsible for anything that happened before she was the Party Chair?
Amy Drake herself used Sam Barke in 2022 – for $24,000!

Amy Drake cites 17 different candidates that hired Sam Barke - but does not mention that she herself hired Barke – to the tune of $24,000! See Amy Drake’s 2022 CFA-4 form.
Every one of these candidates made their own decision to hire Barke because he is a dedicated Republican, who delivers high quality for a good value.
But now Drake says there is something nefarious about everyone who hired Barke. Except herself, of course. What hypocrisy!
Jackie Horvath cleaned up a huge financial mess when she became Chair
After becoming Chair, Jackie realized that the finances were a mess. Legally required financial reports understated our cash balance by over $100,000. Jackie worked with the new Treasurer to clean this up, submitting amended financial reporting forms for the past 6 years.
Ironically, Sharyl Dawes, who has spent years as Party Treasurer/Secretary, is now criticizing Jackie’s record on financial controls. Dawes has the chutzpah to try to blame Jackie for the financial mess that Dawes had a large role in creating herself.
Amy Drake should stop making unfair attacks against fellow Republicans
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