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Less Than 15% Voter Turnout?

In a time when democracy is being threatened across the globe, the low voter turnout in recent elections is a concerning issue that needs to be addressed. Voter turnout rates across the world have been drastically declining over the past few years, and in some countries, they are lower than ever recorded. One recent example of this trend was seen in the recent election, where the voter turnout was less than 15%, highlighting an alarming and concerning trend that must be remedied for the sake of democracy. 

Sure, registered voters and total ballots give us an idea of how many people participated in the election, but what about those who didn't vote? Are their voices not worth hearing? The truth is, as a politician, you were not elected by the majority of registered voters. In fact, only a small fraction of the population actually voted for you.

It's important to remember that those who did not vote made a conscious decision to stay silent. They didn't want anything to do with you or your campaign. And while it may be easy to brush them off as apathetic or uninterested, the reality is that they are sending a clear message - they do not believe in you or your ability to represent them. They wanted nothing to do with you because they didn't feel like their voices were being heard. But it's not too late to change that. It's time to start listening and understanding the concerns of all citizens, not just those who voted for you.

So as you take office and make decisions that will impact the lives of all citizens, remember that your mandate comes from a small percentage of registered voters. The rest of the population may not have directly elected you, but their voices still matter.

Think about it - 14.88% turnout means that 85% of registered voters did not show up to the polls. Why? We can't say for certain, but perhaps it's because they didn't feel like their vote mattered. Maybe they didn't feel like any of the candidates truly represented their beliefs and values. Or maybe, just maybe, they were turned off by the divisive and negative nature of politics.

Instead of focusing on increasing voter turnout for your own gain, focus on creating a platform and policies that truly represent the needs of all citizens. Show them that their voices matter and that you are committed to representing everyone, not just those who voted for you.

So let's not get caught up in the numbers, but rather focus on being a true representative of the people. Only then can we say that we have truly been elected by the people and for the people.


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