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“Believe Women” (Unless They Accuse A Democrat of Misconduct)

By Logan Foster


In recent months, two high-profile scandals have emerged, challenging the values and slogans that have long been associated with the Democratic Party, particularly their stance on believing women and defending integrity in public office.

The Case of Indiana State Senator David Niezgodski

Indiana State Senator David Niezgodski (Official Photo)

On April 12th, 2024, a report by Redress South Bend revealed disturbing allegations against Indiana's Democratic State Senator, David Niezgodski. Accusations state that David Niezgodski engaged in a pattern of harassment, leaving his younger female employee with a barrage of drunk texts, voicemails, and an overwhelming 90 messages within three days. In a further unsettling twist, he reportedly intruded into the young woman’s home without consent when his communications went unanswered. However, rather than rally around the victim, local Democrats and supporters of Niezgodski instead chose to scrutinize and blame the victim, dismissing the harassment as trivial. This woman, a single mother who had to resign from her job while struggling with financial responsibilities, found little sympathy from the party that claims to champion women's rights.

Also, in response to the David Niezgodski scandal, South Bend Mayor James Mueller provided the following comments to the South Bend Tribune: "Democrats stand with women and for women's rights. Republicans don't," Mueller said. "And there’s just no comparison between the two.” Mayor Mueller, like many Democrats in St. Joseph County, decided to defend party affiliation over the victim.

**Democrats may stand with women, except for when they are being sexually harassed by other Democrats.

The Judicial Misconduct of Judge Jason Cichowicz

Jason Cichowicz, (

The scandal involving Judge Jason Cichowicz, while not sexual, is equally troubling in its implications. On September 5th, 2023, Judge Jason Cichowicz served a 45-day suspension after being found guilty of "extremely serious judicial misconduct," narrowly avoiding removal from office. The summary of charges is extensive. Judge Jason Cichowicz was alleged to have benefited from a $357,000 Individual Retirement Account left by a client he represented (Cartwright). Moreover, he attempted to transfer $6.7 million from the Levering Russell Cartwright 1993-2 Trust (known as the 1993-2 Trust or the Cartwright Trust) into his personal account. The accusations continue with improper use of funds, including paying off a personal vehicle loan and funding a courtroom project through questionable means. Instead of addressing these serious issues head-on, St. Joseph County Democrats aggressively attacked the credibility of whistleblowers (Roche & Johnson), attempting to discredit one of the whistleblowers by branding her as a "lady-of-the-night," a euphemism rephrased for some decency by Redress South Bend. **The Democrats will advocate for your interests, unless you are a senior with resources that could be redirected to fund other Democratic initiatives.

Witness Credibility "Issues"

On September 19, 2024, Anchor Brian Conybeare from ABC57 aired a report titled "Judicial Misconduct: An ABC57 News Follow-Up." The piece delved into allegations concerning Judge Jason Cichowicz, bringing to light testimonies from those closely connected to Levering Russell Cartwright. Among those interviewed were Celeste Roche, noted for her enduring support and care for Cartwright, and Dennis Johnson, Cartwright’s personal chauffeur. In the wake of the investigation, these witnesses have come under intense scrutiny from some Democratic officials and the public, who have called their credibility into question due to purported personal indiscretions.

Celeste with her partner of 16 years, Deirdre

Celeste Roche graciously shared her perspective with me over hours of conversations in recent weeks. In these exchanges, she conveyed her deep sense of injustice on behalf of her friend Cartwright. Roche asserts that her motives are not rooted in financial gain, but rather in her commitment to advocate for fair treatment of Cartwright and her disgust that Judge Jason Cichowicz took advantage of Cartwright. She has amassed evidence—photographs, videos, and audio recordings—depicting her interactions with Cartwright and the level of care she provided him. This material, she argues, underscores a stark contrast in the care Cartwright received from Judge Jason Cichowicz. Roche firmly believes that the difference in treatment was notably distinct and seeks to highlight Cartwright's experiences during his time in Judge Jason Cichowicz's jurisdiction.

Celeste was particularly troubled by the treatment of Russell, as she claims Judge Jason Cichowicz did not put any effort to provide Cartwright with the proper clothing he needed to be comfortable. For example, Cartwright could be found wearing socks so uncomfortable that they needed to be cut. She claims Judge Jason Cichowicz did not bother to invest in diabetic socks for him. Jason Cichowicz routinely bought the cheapest items he could for Cartwright.

Moreover, Cartwright's urine was dark, a condition that Celeste found concerning, yet Judge Jason Cichowicz still attempted to curry favor was Cartwright by bringing Cartwright milkshakes, aggravating his existing health issues. Celeste was distressed to see her friend Cartwright enduring his final days using plastic utensils and styrofoam cups, despite having sufficient funds to ensure his comfort. Only an unreasonable observer would deduce that Celeste was acting out of self-interest in trying to ensure Cartwright's comfort during his last days.


Both the David Niezgodski and Judge Jason Cichowicz case compel us to reflect on the moral obligations that political figures hold and the integrity of a Democratic party that preaches belief in women and justice for all. Consider this a call to action for Democrats and all political entities to live up to their professed principles and stand firmly against misconduct, regardless of the perpetrator’s political affiliation.

If you are a Democrat reading this, and you retweeted, reposted, or shared "believe women"  during the allegations against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, how can you support the St Joseph County Democratic Party today and ignore what Celeste has to say about Judge Jason Cichowicz? If you believed Christine Blasey Ford, E Jean Carroll, or any other accuser, why would you not believe these accusations?

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