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26 Angels: The Shocking Way Motels4Now Memorialized The Deaths of Their Residents!

Photo From South Bend Tribune Detailing 26 Deaths

Over the past several months, Our Lady of the Road, also recognized by names such as Motels4Now or New Day Intake Center, has reported an impressive success rate of 78% among its residents who have stayed at their facility. However, an in-depth investigation by Redress South Bend on January 30th revealed a starkly different reality, with the actual success rate plummeting to approximately 21.4%. Another aspect that needs equal attention is the number of deaths within the Motels4Now community, details of which were previously not widely disclosed to the public. A compelling piece of evidence comes from a photograph in a South Bend Tribune article dated July 28th, 2023, taken by photojournalist Mattie Neretin. During a visit to the Motels4Now site located at the old KnightsInn premises on Bendix & Lincolnway, Neretin photographed a painting dedicated to the memory of deceased Motels4Now residents.

This evocative painting, marked at the top with "In Loving Memory, you’ll not be forgotten," featured 26 angels rising from cloud formations, each angel bearing a name, the month & year of passing, with several inscribed with "R.I.P." The fatalities, disaggregated annually, include two unrecorded dates, 5 in 2021, 14 in 2022, and 3 in 2023 (as noted before July 28th, with five months still to go in the year), amounting to a total of 26 deaths over a span of 3.5 years or approximately 7.42 deaths annually under Motels4Now’s watch. This raises critical concerns regarding the boasted 78% success rate—already proven to be significantly inflated—especially when juxtaposed against the backdrop of 26 confirmed deaths within the program.

The question becomes unavoidable—how does a program with such a grievous track record continue to receive substantial funding to the tune of $4M along with an annual stipend of $500,000 from the City of South Bend? The urgent need for accountability beckons, querying why the state remains uninformed, and the future of the program remains unquestioned. The integrity of Motels4Now is under scrutiny, demanding immediate action to prevent the addition of more names to the tragic list of 26 angels. The commitment of our community to rectify these wrongs and ensure the dignity and safety of every individual under such programs is imperative, lest we fail those who rely on us most.


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